Saturday 15 June 2013

This REALLY did happen to me‼ PART-II

Getting back, it was nearly 8:30 and I got into the kitchen immediately and started preparing breakfast for the three ailing people. Since it had to be something light, I thought of making the UPPU MAAVU. All thanks to my grandma who made me familiar with the kitchen and taught the basic dishes for survival, right from my school days!
The kitchen- BEFORE

 I decided to mimic my mom who prepares tea also side by side while she prepares the breakfast, and put the milk to heat, while adding the necessary ingredients in the uppu maavu. Luckily I was able to prepare both successfully (I believe very strong tea is good for people with fever, and nobody dare say that I over boiled it! :P ).

 So, with everything ready, I served them the breakfast and tea in their respective rooms, and came back to the kitchen to clear things up (I honestly dint make that much of a mess, but in such hurry, its excusable if certain things get spilled a little, here and there.) I then went to get fresh myself, as I realized I was in for a looooong day ahead! I got out and sat for breakfast myself, waiting to relish the dish I prepared all by myself. I ate a spoonful and realized something was definitely wrong.

The tasting

Was something wrong with my taste buds as I was tired after the hectic morning which I was not used to, or was there something wrong with the dish? I placed a hand on my forehead, just for assuring myself that I was fine, and then coming over to the sad conclusion that I had forgotten the UPPU (salt) in the uppu maavu!!

I felt bad that I had served this to my parents and grandma, and immediately went to check with them, praying fervently that the tastelessness that they felt would be passed off blaming it on the fever. I was surprised to see their plates empty, and decided to shut up for then and not ask them anything (It was later when I checked with my mom that I realized it isn't always how cheesy as how they show in Hindi serials that people eat or drink stuff even though it tastes horribly bad, just so that the maker doesn't feel bad. In my case, after mom had tasted a spoon of it, she threw off the rest of what was in her plate as well as my dad’s and grandma’s and served them biscuits and other snacks without my knowledge, while I was busy freshening up! I had to console myself that at least the not telling anything so that the person doesn't feel bad part was there in my case! :P ).


  1. He he this is funny! But a lesson well learnt for you I suppose ;)

  2. Yeah, definitely a HUGE lesson for life. But this is not it, wait for part-3! ;) :P
